These are photos taken in the garden on a daily basis throughout the year, so you can see the seasonal changes as they occur.
7/27 - Rhododendron discolor, our last rhododendron to bloom. It is tree-sized, with fragrant flowers and lovely leaves.
7/28 - Prunus persica 'Avalon's Pride', an early peach discovered in Issaquah, near Seattle, and Prunus armeniaca 'Puget Gold', an early apricot, ripening now.
7/29 - Yucca gloriosa
7/30 - Crocosmia 'Lucifer'
7/31 - Digitalis ambigua
8/1 - Begonia tuberhybrida, growing in a pot
8/2 - Digitalis ferruginea
All images and other contents Copyright © 2008-2014 Edgewood Garden LLC.