Daily Photo Blog

These are photos taken in the garden on a daily basis throughout the year, so you can see the seasonal changes as they occur.

Week of April 6th, 2009

Photo of magnolia blossoms

4/6 - Magnolia stellata. This photo of a large magnolia coming into bloom was taken through a second story window.



Photos of Ribes sanguinarium and Ribes sanguinarium "Icicle"

4/7 - Ribes sanguinarium and Ribes sanguinarium "Icicle"


Shortia uniflora "Grandiflora rosea" photo

4/8 - Shortia uniflora "Grandiflora rosea"


Sanguinaria canadensis photo

4/9 - Sanguinaria canadensis


4/10 - Trachystemon orientalis


Hacquetia epipactus photo

4/11 - Hacquetia epipactus


Rhododendron "Mary Fleming" photo

4/12 - Rhododendron "Mary Fleming"

Wishing you a happy Easter!


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