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Garden Features

These photos show some of the features we have constructed in the garden, including the labyrinth, based on a medieval pattern, surrounded by an orchard of dwarf fruit trees; our porch swing pavilion; some sculptural pieces we have installed; and some other structures we have built.

Overview of the labyrinth

The labyrinth

Pathway leading to the labyrinth

Pathway leading to the labyrinth

The entrance path to the labyrinth

Entrance to the labyrinth

Nepeta in bloom in the labyrinth

The Tibetan prayer wheels

Tibetan prayer wheels

A garden sculpture

Garden sculpture by Holly Crownhart

Green Man brick sculpture

Green Man sculpture by Mara Smith

Wall with glass sculpture and porch swings in the background

Glass sculpture by Holly Crownhart

Porch swings

Porch swings

Tree of Life brick sculpture

Tree of Life sculpture by Mara Smith

Photo of Bird Mountain sculpture

Bird Mountain by Shawn Marie Johnson

Photo of Memories of a Heron sculpture

Memories of a Heron by Shawn Marie Johnson

Photo of Loon Song sculpture

Loon Song by Shawn Marie Johnson

Photo of Wandering Trees sculpture

Wandering Trees by Shawn Marie Johnson

Well house with fall color behind

Well house with fall color

Stone patio with bamboo furniture

Patio with bamboo furniture

